Sunday, November 11, 2007

Feed the Marine Machine

This post will remain until November 11th. Scroll down then!
Project Valour-IT - part of Soldiers' Angels - provides voice-controlled software and laptop computers to wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand and arm injuries or amputations at major military medical centers. Operating laptops by speaking into a microphone, our wounded heroes are able to send and receive messages from friends and loved ones, surf the 'Net, and communicate with buddies still in the field without having to press a key or move a mouse. The annual fundraiser - which is done by milbloggers - is October 29 - November 11. 100% of the donations go directly to providing laptops with voice activated software to our wounded warriors. We have a friendly inter-branch rivalry going, but all funds are merged to help our warriors!

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