Thursday, October 25, 2007

I guess her eyes aren't dead after all! ;)

Thanks, Poet!


Semper Fi Mom said...

That is one scary picture!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it?

Good to see you out and about. Tell us what's going on in Lubbock. Send us a link about the fundraiser for the troops package!

Semper Fi Mom said...

I haven't been out visiting too much lately and I miss it. Things have been so busy around here with sports, church, LMP and everything else you can think of. I'm glad you're back though.


Here's a link to the latest goings on at LMP.

Raymond Keen said...

Hillary Rodham Clinton for President!

Makes you want to puke!

Not another 8 years of the Clintons, P-u-leeeeeezee!

Rayboysan in Okinawa