Wednesday, November 14, 2007

News-Photo Flash

Pictures don't lie. Here the camera has caught Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Rodham Clinton being questioned about how they would deal with Iraq, the Middle East and Iran, and the War on Terror. You can see the intensity and concern with Rudy Giuliani. And with Hillary, aka "liar, liar, pants on fire" Clinton........You can see......? You tell us what you see in Hillary's expression, and why a vote for Hillary is a vote for apathy on the War on Terror, apathy in Supporting Our Troops, and apathy in keeping this great country of ours safe and strong!

Rayboy in Okinawa


De'on Miller said...

And it is that very same apathy that took down the Twin Towers. Oh, let's not weaken.

Great post, Ray and very telling photos.

How great to "see" you on!

Raymond Keen said...

Thanks De'on!

Thanks for inviting me!

De'on Miller said...

I was just about to say (I can't keep from staring at it!) Hill does have nice hands. I'd never noticed before. ;)