Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Virgie Bell's View: Breathless and Wholesome

The other day I wrote a post concerning the wisdom of subscribing to a weekly news magazine. When you read the news on the net and at least two newspapers, you pretty much get bogged down in the news, but there are a few itty bitty news highlights slipped into an article. For instance (gush gush blink blink) Pelosi did a breathlessly gush address to the farmers of America thanking them for their wholesome, wholesome inspiration. (After riding in the vehicle with the leader of the issue of making it legal to let grown men and boys the age of 12 have sex legally), I wonder if Ms. Gushy Pooh would even know what wholesome really consists of or what it means. Of course she had been briefed by her Agriculture committee as to even know what the group she would be addressing was about when she called them wholesome, wholesome. A Mr. Barry called her late one night in the mansion where she lives, begging her that she would not limit payments to farmers. Her reply was "Marion, this is all very complicated and if you say that it is so important I will just take your word for it.”

Now wholesome means good for you, or healthy. This is of course about subsidies which are there to keep our farmers in business, those like poor old Ted Turner. You know him: the mega billionaire who was married to Jane Fonda of Hanoi fame. When I went to bed last night it was comforting to me to know my husband was getting to go to work to earn money to give to Ted Turner so that he can give this money to the United Nations so they can listen to other nations demonize the USA. Dan Rather is another big collector of government checks which my husband works to pay. In all my years of keeping up with these two big shots I would never have dreamed to call them “good for you” and or “healthy.” Rich...yes...wholesome, wholesome. The word would never occur to me, much less bear a repeat.

Really, the only thing I can think of to compliment the Madam Speaker on is that she is much cuter than the female contender for president. Then again, it could just be that she dresses better. She is spiffy and prissy and oh so dense. If Hillary actually wins the office of president, I want someone to please try to come up with something besides her trademark-hide your pitiful figure pantsuits. She needs to be told the truth: we, the voters, would never see her face if she didn't have such a wild look in her eyes. We would forever have our eyes on that span of her figure from the waist down. In a word, Hillary Rodham Clinton is dumpy...Madam Speaker is dopey and how was your weekend?


1 comment:

De'on Miller said...

In 2 words, you are 2 cute!