Saturday, November 10, 2007

Virgie Bell's View: Pardon Me

I was thinking last night about my post yesterday. It occurred to me that not everyone knew or even cared who Mark Rich is. He is one that Bill Clinton pardoned with his last act as president. The soon to be former President [Clinton] pardoned some 190 people.

Most of us had never heard of Mark Rich and his partner Pincus Green. They were big time tax evaders and were living in Switzerland at the time of this pardon. They had renounced their United States citizenship in order to become a citizen of another European country. I think it was Spain, but I’m not sure. Income tax evasion is a serious charge, to be sure, but then there are many who do this and if caught, spend time in prison for it. We are used to seeing one of the big shots in the capital going off and serving time for tax evasion. Rudy Giuliani was the one who prosecuted this horrible man and Rich’s despicable actions were what found him guilty. He was guilty of many crimes, but the one I cannot forget or forgive is the fact that when the American Embassy and all employed therein were taken hostage and kept for over a year as prisoners by the horrible Iranian regime, Mark Rich was supplying money for arms and weapons to be used against us. I remember the American flag being burned and stomped into the ground. I remember the mobs that shouted and jumped up and down shouting DEATH TO AMERICA. I recall that another show was added each night to TV. It was called Nightline and it was added just because of these hostages and their captivity.

If you invade an embassy you have invaded that particular country. That is an accepted law by all so-called civilizations world wide. Therefore when our Embassy was invaded you have broken an international law. But the Iranians went even further. They took captive the entire lot of workers that were in that Embassy. They were held for over a year. Mistreated, alone and deserted by Wimpy Jimmy Carter. We had a wonderful little peace during the Carter administration.

He stayed busy with important things like selling the yacht that belonged to the USA. The people’s yacht, just like the White House belongs to the people. He was and is a homely little man. He has a dour expression and his eyes forever have the look of a deer caught in the headlights of a Big Mack truck. I voted for such a weasel because I was a loyal member of the Democratic Party. Thankfully he only served one term. Our military was in the tank at the time. We were busy balancing the budget. Jimmy Carter was the King of the Garage Sale Economy, with small ideas and even smaller actions. I am sure he got my vote the second time he ran. I never voted for a Republican President in my life until I voted for the current president. But I am no longer a sheep being led astray by being a Yellow Dog Democrat. Something that was taught in my home by both my parents. How was I to know any difference? Mark Rich did the unforgivable. He shipped supplies to the Iranian Government while he was also stealing from the American public by not paying his taxes. Instead, his part of taxes was paid for by some poor stiff working 9 to 5 trying to make a living, someone like by husband. Someone like my son. Someone like you, dear reader. Exactly like you.

Mr. Carter did nothing but talk peace. We are warned in the Bible to beware of those who say peace, peace, when there is no peace. Well this was one of those times. In fact, it was the Canadian military that mastered a plan and followed through to rescue our citizens. We couldn't because Jimmy Carter was busy doing great things like selling the Yacht at the garage sale of the century. Well you know me. I spout off and when George Bush the elder said "Read my lips. No new taxes.” I had a valid reason to vote for Clinton. I welded it with as much power as I could muster. Being a gentleman, Jerry voted for Clinton because he could not find it in his heart to cancel my vote. That was the extent of my power. We both hung in there for both terms of the Clinton Presidency. We were not deterred by Oval Office oral sex and lying under oath. My parents did a good job teaching me to vote for the yellow dog. But they also taught me that when something like the Cuban Missile crisis came around, you stood behind your country and the leader who is elected by the majority of the people.

John F. Kennedy was a World War hero and we were at the odds that we shall ever be with Russia. They were shipping nuclear rockets to a launch pad in Cuba that Castro had built to blow the America population off the face of the earth. Kennedy told the Russian dictator that all ships that belong to Russia would be stopped by our military and boarded by our military, and if any further act of aggression was carried out, we would use nuclear power or whatever it took to blow Russia off the face of the earth. We came within two minutes or so of a war that would be the end of both of the Super Powers. Russia backed down and we placed a trade embargo on Cuba that is still in effect to this day. No one blamed JFK. He did the right thing. How was I to know that when I voted for Jimmy Carter that I really did vote for the Yellow Dog. Yellow, as in coward, dog as in sub-human.

Well, Mark Rich lives somewhere on the Riviera in a palatial mansion. He is surrounded by Picasso paintings, and other priceless art. He has these surroundings due to the fact that he had betrayed his country. My country. My folks taught me that ANYONE who betrays their country is the lowest of the very lowest slime on earth. At the time that four hundred American citizens were being held captive in Iran, When Clinton pardoned Mark Rich, he sold the White House and he sold out the Americans who voted for him. His wife is just a sneaky way to slip right back into to the people’s house.


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