Thursday, February 21, 2008

Who can name the years of the Birthday Boy's Pictures?

Isn't there a story behind these drums?
CONOCO-Hottest Brand Going!
Bow ties, blue jeans and big grins.
Punk, punk, we eat food, you eat junk!!


Anonymous said...

I know I can't name the years, I am so terrible with remembering. Yes, there is a great story about the drums! Should I tell it or let Little One tell the story?

Anonymous said...

Does Gary smile and look like Aaron Cole in the second picture or what?

Anonymous said...

Zachry Jewell marked all over the drum set that Loretta had gotten for her precious Santa gift for Johnny, right Karen? I'm sure your memory is a little better than mine. Us moms try and forget that stuff that causes us pain and grief.ha Know wonder I can't remember a darn thing in life. ha

De'on Miller said...

Gary, Dad (as a young boy and man) and Aaron all have a huge resemblance--I've seen it in so many pictures.

I never thought Aaron favored me that much, except for that 1/3 of his face where his eyes and eyebrows were, but photos prove he didn't leave here without quite a bit of that old Grigsby blood running through his veins!

De'on Miller said...

So Zachry took after his Momma a little bit. His Momma marked all over my baby doll's face and my pink ballerina jewelry box one year!