Friday, October 26, 2007

Virgie Bell's View: Father Abraham

I’m in the middle of reading a book that kind of shook me up last night. It was the first time I came to the understanding of the difference in the religious beliefs between Islam and Judaism, which of course is a forerunner to Christian beliefs. I have known that many object to the word for God being Allah. I looked this up long ago and it means the one true god. So my thoughts were, O K that’s just another name for Jehovah. I really did not give it much more thought just as I knew the name for God is Dios in Spanish for the Almighty. We all speak in different languages. Here is the one difference that is alarming. In Islam, the belief is that when God told Abraham to take his son, his only son, to the altar and sacrifice his blood for God, The Egyptians believe the son that was chosen for this rite which God rescinded was Ishmael. The Jews believe that the son was Isaac. Wow and I thought who is right... who is wrong and this is serious business.

I was raised by English speaking adults in the USA. Long ago I came to the conclusion that the one True Church is within the heart. I learned my beliefs on my mother's knee and personally had very little to do with what I believed or was taught. We have all heard the saying that someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time and I thought what if that is me and this is serious business. The last thing I do at night is read the Bible. Now I must have had an ancestor from the ‘Show Me State’ that passed on to me most of my DNA. I have often regretted this trait because at times I have been on a quest for Trivial Pursuit, but I find my pursuit in the Holy Bible anything but trivial. Now I am able to translate from Hebrew and Greek with the help of an exhaustive concordance and dictionary, but last night really floored me. I have a hard time trying to figure out the part of the song Jesus Loves Me This I know...'cause the Bible tells me so. I want to know where it says so. I want to back it up. My mother taught me that we really are supposed to study and ask questions as far as our religions go. We are all supposed to show ourselves as workmen needing not be ashamed of his labor. Well I can tell you this much: all those years of study and translations were a great help last night for I was able to get off the milk and on to the meat pretty fast on something that I deemed as important as anything in my life. Those that are the descendants of Ishmael became archers and there is a definite destiny for them, just as there is for the Gentiles and the Jews.

It is much too much to be able to explain on Gunz Up or even our Bible Blog. So for my children I have decided to pretend you are back on Mom’s lap and stroke your little head and give you a hug and say it is really OK. Jesus does love you and sure enough there is a heaven and an eternal reward. Aaron said before: “It’s a belief either have it or you don't.” Well Aaron was right and I would tell you that after much research I will back him up on this.

To go into the why and all that at this point no longer stumps me. The faith of a mustard seed will indeed get argument with anyone like say...oh Rosie O' Donnell would be an exercise in the futile game of Trivial Pursuit or trying to argue with the wisdom of Oprah. Why bother with them when I can live with the knowledge that it is really alright to really get in there and SUPPORT THE TROOPS!


Anonymous said...

God alone opens the eyes.

Anonymous said...

God, Allah, Dios are not names. They are titles. Jehovah is a name of God.

Amy K.

Anonymous said...

Actually the real name of God is is true that some will always gag at a nat and swallow a camel and I think maybe your real name is Steve. When Moses ask God who shall I say sent me he said I AM that I Am sent me. VB

Anonymous said...

I wasn't tring to be a smart aleck. I was just conveying information.

Jehovah, Yahweh, YHWH, etc. are all translations of the name of God.

That's all I was saying. Just differentiating between the name and the title.

I somehow found your blog while I was clicking from here to there to there. I don't have any ax to grind.

Amy K (not Steve)