Monday, February 4, 2008

Virgie Bell's View: Uncrossed Lines

Surely everyone remembers Berkeley. You know that city by the bay. The home of the University of California and several preparatory schools. Here in the desert country, our preparatory schools are Future Homemakers and Future Farmers of America. If you are from San Francisco area you may want to get up off the floor and stop your hysterical laughter. I agree in this atmosphere being so far removed from the reality show that is taught at the University of California, or for that matter, many other institutions of higher learning across the country, but if you want to be Way Cool Dude then the city by the bay wherein you left your heart is the place to be. They turned out such luminaries as Taliban Johnny Walker, the Poster Child for Bin Laden. This is the beloved hometown of Prissy Pelosi where she gave birth to her five children. It is headquarters to that sweet little click full of grown men who want to take little boys twelve and over the joy of being a grown man’s little lover.

Taliban Johnny Walker was in his teens when his dad just gave up on having a marriage and took his lover and they jumped out of the closet together holding hands. I have been to this area of California and they have all kinds of religious organizations. I failed to get which denomination one church was but I do recall the name of the Reverend. It was displayed proudly outside in bold letters. The Rev. F--k. You fill in the blanks.

Here in the backward part of the country that just would not go. Might as well be a Nazi and try to be accepted by polite society. Here we have recruiters from every branch of the military, and we welcome them. We know they are all that stands between us and the Islamic Extremists who want us all dead.

Birth place of the true hippy movement. My sister and I were there for a visit and the visit was indeed an eye opener. Dirty, tattered, drug addicts enjoying the free love movement like no other place in the world. Make Love. Not war. Give Peace A Chance. So we did that. We gave peace a chance with the same candidates in the White House that are doing their best to get back in. Hillary wants to give a million dollars to a Fund for Woodstock. She was refused because some of them in that fair city happened to remember that the FFA and FHA were voters.

We are doing our best to forget this shameful part of history that gave us Charles Manson and the PLO. We pulled out of Vietnam and gave a platform for the John Kerry’s and the Socialist Couple of America Bill and Hillary Clinton, so here we are. Our Marine Recruiters are not allowed at Berkeley but don't get too bent out of shape, Recruiters are not welcome at some of the Ivy Leagues in the eastern part of the USA. No one can out do Warren Churchill. That professor from Colorado. There really is nothing we can do to overcome the one time that we as a nation surrendered to the enemy within. I am so glad my parents were of the generation that would kick someone’s ass over the moon before they would have put up with that stuff. Boundaries are wonderful.

The most wonderful thing to behold is the line you will not cross. The one that separates you from those who know no boundaries and respect no rules. Those like Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot, and Mussolini. The list is endless. It stretches back to the beginning of time and it is the infinitely in eternity. The children of those men of old, men of renown. They await you in the depth of hell. The Reverend F--k will welcome you and they will not allow the Marines to try to recruit there. Just the same as there at Berkeley. They are so ignorant and I hate them.


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