Sunday, March 4, 2007

Key to Holiness

March 4

DRAW near to Me, My children. Contact with Me is the panacea for all ills.

Remember that Truth is many-sided. Have much tender love and patience for all who do not see as you do.

The elimination of self is the key to holiness and happiness, and can only be accomplished with My help. Study My life more. Live in my Presence Worship Me.

I said in Gethsemane, “If it be possible let this cup pass.” I did not say that there was no cup of sorrow to drink. I was scourged and spat upon and nailed to the Cross, and I said, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”

I did not say that they did not do it. When My disciple, Peter, urged Me to escape the Cross, I said, “Get thee behind Me, Satan.”

When My disciples failed to help the epileptic boy, I said, “This kind cometh not out but by Prayer and Fasting. I did not say, “You imagined that he was ill. Nothing is wrong.”

When the Bible says “God has purer eyes than to behold evil,” it means to impute evil to His people. He always sees the good in people, but remember that I “beheld the city and wept over it.”

Russell, A.J., ed., God Calling. Barnes & Noble, 2002.

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