Thursday, May 31, 2007

Virgie Bell's View: Honor

There are a couple of things that I really would like to say that I agree with and then some with which I strongly disagree. First of all I would like to congratulate Lubbock ,Texas for their refusal to pay the widow of Buddy Holly $10,000.00 for the use of her deceased husband’s name in what used to be the Buddy Holly Walk of Fame. This will now be known as the West Texas Walk of Fame. This money would have had to have come from other funding, from other arts in the city of Lubbock. You know I am really tired of all of this kind of stuff. His widow said she had protected his name for 47 years and would continue to do so. She will still receive a percentage of money from things sold at the gift shop that bears his name. Great. Here is what she will find out. The sales at this gift shop will drop off considerably. They will finally disappear. She needs to understand that this will happen all over the land. When we, the citizens of the USA are held hostage to paying you and others like you, to be held hostage to your greed, then you can just go pound sand.

I didn't like it when we had to pay Coretta King for the privilege of the life sized statue of Martin Luther King to be put up in our nation’s capital. I believe it was to the tune of $3,000,000.00. Dear taxpayer, we did that. Three million to honor their loved one and the only one that demanded money for the honor. I started right then to not admire MLK's widow. She turned out to be just like Buddy Holly's widow. A greedy gut. Here is the thing about tribute paid to a loved one. As time passes, so do the trends until finally the name has no meaning to the generations to come. They fade into obscurity, and rightly so. We, the American public, and taxpayer get really tired of all this rot. We spend the first five months of our wages each year to pay the taxes that we have to. Then we get to have the rest of our labor money to support our family. Then our hearts are supposed to bleed for every rotten thing that the pork projects of elected officials come up with. You see ...votes ... our precious votes.

I am hereby starting a one woman campaign to dis-a-vow the slogan ‘Once a Marine always a Marine.’ Timothy McVey would be one. Then John Kerry, Congressman Murtha and the one who marched in protest of the war in Washington yesterday. You see it is just the same principle as far as I am concerned. When a family member disgraces the family or (uniform) for personal gain using family name ... Holly, King, Corps, then we should be able to give you back what you used against us. You can have your maiden name back, and hence can be known as the Band of Others, instead of the Band of Brothers.

I don't like the idea of my uncle, my nephew, my brother, my grandson having to share a name with you greedy guts. While they deserve the honor of the Band of Brothers, you surely don't. These are the Sheehan look-alikes and have nothing to do with the real world, the world we, the American and average taxpayer happens to live in.

Here is another thing I would like to call to attention. Madam Speaker gushes! Yes, she gushes and does it breathlessly. The Speaker of the House. She sounds like Marilyn Monroe did in ‘Gentleman Prefer Blonds’. I gritted my teeth for that part of MM, as she was known in my day, and she was the sex kitten of all times. She will never be replaced. She could have drooled all over herself and we would have swooned in ecstasy. We do not need a poor substitute like Anna Nicole or even Nancy Pelosi to try the same drooling. Makes us sick, makes us puke. We, the taxpayers, sit in silence, saving up our vote just like they were rubber bullets for the day we go to the war of ballets, and we really are not as stupid as you might think. When we, the American taxpayer, need something extra, we try to get in a few more hours. When we have health issues, we suffer the illness plus the financial heavy burden it entails. We help with our grandchildren’s hopes and dreams and pay the extra that it cost for ballet toe shoes, pictures, costumes etc. We do it gladly in the name of love. We get really tired of having to do the same thing for lap dances and tattoos. If you want those, then go work extra hours like we have to.

Here is the thing we the American Taxpayer understands. If you are like Ms. Gushy who rides in parades with sexual perverts in San Francisco, we couldn’t touch you in your fairy city where anything goes. Now we can. You now represent us. The real people. Can't wait to vote against you. Stay local or statewide and you win. Go national and we win ... as we set and savor up our votes, so there!


1 comment:

Semper Fi Mom said...

Virgie Bell, I agree with you on the "greedy guts". We will also have to remove his name from the "Buddy Holly Terrace". It seems like she is trying to make sure that her late husband is forgotten, rather then remembered. I don't know how long his name has been on these places, but from what I heard, she wanted $6,500 to $10,000 to keep his name there.