Sunday, June 24, 2007


The title of this post is what my husband always says about Karen. If you knew/know my husband, you’d know this is nearly one of the highest compliments he could pay because he is oh, so brutally competitive. And he’s not that great of a loser, I’m here to tell you. ;) lol!

I know this was a hard test. As a professor once said to us: “I know this was a hard test, but you’ll remember this in the future and it will change the way you study. One day you’ll be glad.”

Of course, that didn’t help our feelings much after we’d spent three weeks studying for the killer Anatomy and Physiology exam! Three weeks studying bought you a low C. If you waited longer than that, kiss a major exam bye-bye on your way to get a drop slip!!!

But truly, I know this was an extra-hard test. Though I provided the path through linking, one had more than one way to travel after that.

A great deal of info came from prior posts and reviews around Memorial Day.

Much thanks to Karen and Deborah who attempted the extra credit. Karen aced it and Deborah came close, but it’s one of those things that it’s hard to miss just one on. And SFM with a Marine coming in, can you believe she even participated? What a woman!

And Deborah, from Canada she takes a test that is all but American History! I have awesome readers!

More than anything, thanks to those who participated. Anyone can donate, but how many places do you see that you have to test for it!!??

Here’s the cash:
Karen $ 13.61
SFM 13.04
Deborah 11.83

$ 38.48 from our test takers
$ 61.52 from our “Rather pay than play” ers

Grand Total contributed through Lubbock Marine Parents to our troops through your sacrifice. $100.

AND KAREN IS THE COOK! (BOOK WINNER!) and she is competitive!


Anonymous said...

Wow! This is so cool! Yes, the test was hard, but well worth it! I had loads of fun, and I feel that it is my duty to learn more about our beloved troops.
Thank you De'on, for the time you took to post this test. This is such a wonderful blog to learn from, you make it fun! I can't wait to get the cookbook, and De'on, I want to give you extra money for the care package being sent, I can't think of a better prize to test for.

Semper Fi Mom said...

I enjoyed it too. And what a surprise this morning to wake up and find a $100 PayPal donation to LMP!!!! You are all awesome! Thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

Ladies, that was good fun and my congratulations to Aunt Karen. What a moving essay that you wrote in the bonus section.

The best part, though, is knowing that we are in some small way helping the Marines of the Lubbock Marine Parents. God Bless from a grateful competitor.

Veritas et Fidelis Semper

Anonymous said...

No doubt about it....we're all just so doggone awesome! LOL!

I know $100. doesn't go that far in packing and shipping those boxes to our troops, but it will help some and I've really enjoyed this. I like the tests too, because I always learn quite a bit I didn't know. Course, I forget it the next day, so if the stories or questions are ever the same (and I know some of the stories have been!) then just think, yeah, yeah, yeah, poor old woman! and drive on!! lol!