Last week my friend's sister who is visiting from New Mexico got group tickets to the taping of "So You Think You Can Dance?" I woke up at 4am on Thursday after getting to sleep around 12:30am and I picked up the group at 5:45am so we could make the 2 1/2 hour drive up to Hollywood and be there by 8:30. We arrived in pretty good time considering L.A. traffic is insane, much worse than San Diego's. We met up with my friend's sister and her daughter and we walked on to the CBS Television City lot. We made our way to one of the studios, where they took our phones and cameras so we were unable to take any pics inside the studio. There were three of us pulling up the rear as we walked in and right when we walked onto the set, one of the audience coordinators looked at the three of us and said "you three come with me." He then led us up to the balcony overlooking the stage, and might I add, the balconies get a lot of on screen time!!! After they had organized the audience how they wanted, they brought out the top 20 dancers, 10 guys and 10 girls. They were dressed in black and white, looked a little mod and the girls had short black wigs on. The choreographers were on stage, helping them remember some steps, making sure their placement on the stage was correct, etc. The director was sitting in the judges seats and she was calling out commands, making sure the lights were just right, giving direction to the camera and getting everyone ready for the filming to begin. We as the audience were told to have lots of energy, to dance and look excited to be there. They started the music which was a song by Busta Rhymes called "Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See" and it had a really good beat. The dancers began and it was AMAZING!!! The dance was incredible and I was completely glued to what was going on. Obviously I wasn't the only one because after the first run through, the director and the audience coordinators instructed the audience to be more energetic even though we are transfixed on what's going on. Those of us up in the balconies were specifically instructed to have a lot of energy because we will be seen a lot on camera. My friend Jayson is a really good dancer and he was dancing, getting into the music and after that first run through, the director pointed out Jayson and told everyone to dance and be more into it like him! It was so cool! I think they ran through the dance 6 times or so, doing wig and make up touch ups in between takes. After the final cut, we were instructed to exit the studio. When we walked out, the guy who took our tickets when we first came in was telling the crowd that if they had an internet printed ticket, then they could come back for the rest of the show at 3pm. Unfortunately, we did not have one of those tickets so we were unable to see the rest of the show. Even though we were only there for a small portion of the show, it was an amazing experience that I will remember forever! My friend's sister got more tickets, so hopefully we will be going back up this Thursday to see the taping of the entire show. I will keep you posted!
After the taping of the group dance, we decided to walk around "The Grove." I have never in my life parked in a mall parking structure where they have a lobby area in the garage, valet service and a bell hop that will take your shopping bags for you! It was a very high end mall, they have a Michael Kors store, a 3 story Abercrombie and Fitch, a huge 2 story Gap, a 3 story Barnes and Noble and many more huge stores! We took tons of pictures, many showing off our "goofy" side! After we left the mall, we drove to LaBrea and Beverly because I wanted to eat at Pink's Famous Hot Dogs. I don't know if you have ever heard of Pink's, but I first saw them on the Food Network channel. Bobby Flay did a hot dog throw down with Pink's. Apparently, Pink's is a huge hot spot for all the Hollywood actors! After making a wrong turn and calling 411, we made our way to Pink's just to find a long line winding around the building. I was so bummed because I wanted to eat one of these famous hot dogs, but I wasn't wanting to wait in a huge line and either did the rest of the group. So, we ended up eating at IN-N-Out on Sunset Blvd. After a quick detour to see the Kodak theatre where they film the American Idol finale, we made our way back onto the freeway and began our journey home.
Taking a road trip with a group of friends has got to be the best way to spend the day! I had so much fun and even though I was doing all of the driving, being with friends was a good way to pass the time! We played road games, listened to music and took tons of pictures!
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I was thrilled when I saw the top of the photos you posted! Chantal, yea! This post is certainly full of energy so I know your dancing was too!
What night does the show come on? This is so exciting to me. I cannot imagine being the driver for one thing!
The photos are great. I love acting goofy... I like to embarrass Kayla!
So, Thursday, hey? You guys may end up hitting it every Thursday!
Thanks for this, Chantal. You're an awesome writer, photo taker and dancer/driver! And hats off to Jayson! I love to dance too! I look forward to more and more from you!
The actual competition night is Wednesday nights at 8 on Fox and the results show is Thursday nights at 9. I have DVR so I recorded last week's show and have watched it over and over again! I am addicted!
It's funny because as long as we have lived in SD, we have never even thought of going to Hollywood and watching the taping of some of our favorite shows. It took my friend's sister visitng from NM to make it all happen and now we are hooked! I really hope we get to do this more often because it is so much fun!!!
That sounds like so much fun! I'll be in LA in July. I'll have to see if Pink's has a long line then too. I'm not waiting in line, but it's worth a try. Thanks for sharing your adventure!
I'll catch the show! Can you tell the city where your friend's sister is from? You'll have to keep us updated.
And Semper Fi Mom, you're going to LA too? Everybody is going somewhere! That's good, and it sounds like you're sure having fun with your kids this summer and soon #2 son will be home! Good times. And you have your test behind you so you can just relax!!lol!!
She's from Albuquerque, born and raised. My friend moved out here about 17 years ago and has been here since, but all of her family is still in NM.
The show is really addicting if you like dancing. I love it and I look forward to watching it and especially being in the audience!
Will you be in the audience on tomorrow night's show? Greg and I plan on watching it.
This is fun. This world has good things, it is nice to be able to adventure and Chantal thanks for info. I'll tell sleeping beauty when she awakes. Her life here in the desert needs some refreshing. She has lots of time to explore.
Such a cute and fun post! I will tune in to see if I can catch a glimpse of ya'll. I would brave the traffic and the waiting in lines to do something like this!
I am still unsure if we will be going to Thursday nights show. I am waiting to hear if the tickets are for the whole show or just the group dance. We are also trying to work out some other details, but I will let you know!
Yes, we are going to LA in mid July for about 5 days (I have family there). I don't know yet what all we will do, but hopefully the beach will be on the agenda. The kids are hoping for Disneyland. Crosby will be home tomorrow!!!!! Super exciting Summer! Plus I am now SO knowledgeable about WWI. I'll have to share with my family during our trip. ;) I think I'll leave out the part about the rats though...
Okay...we are heading back up to Hollywood tomorrow morning for another taping!!! As far as we know it will be for the entire show which is super exciting!
Make sure you watch tonight at 8 on Fox and tomorrow night at 9 so you can be in the loop!
It is a fantastic show! They were all so good, but we had about 3 favorites.... the one with I'll stand by you lyrics, the matador one, the 1st hip hop and I loved the one with the beats and sore hands. well maybe 4 or 5.
Greg said we sound ate up with the stupid, but we know what we like.LOL!!
Who do you like best Chantal? ?Karen, did you or Kayla watch? Mom? It comes on at 7:00 here.
Semper Fi Mom, I am thrilled for you. There is nothing like having a Marine home... and as you said, you are so smart about WWI now, you can make up games about it for the kids on the way to LA!!
I should have given you extra credit for all you have going on! You're an inspiration to everyone but my sorry sister and husband! LOL!! They are something! Who would pass up the chance at a WWI test!
I really like Lauren and Neil...they were the first hip hop couple. I like Jessie and Pascha...they were the second couple. Jaime and Hok were the third couple and I love them both! It is so hard to pick favorites with so many to choose from. They were all incredible!
I am so looking forward to watching them dance in person again!!!
Well...I am off to bed. Hopefully I can fall asleep soon because I have to get up at 4am again! Yikes! I am not a morning person at all, but this is worth it!
Have a good day everyone and I will try to write more when I get back. Although Friday I am going to the beach all day so I don't know when I will get to it, but I will as soon as I have a few minutes to spare!
What a dull little life you have!
It's definitely dull at times...most nights I sit at home alone watching tv and surfing the web. These last two adventures have been a fluke in my social life because I don't normally do things like this. I am a home body who loves to hang out and have a good time! I have enjoyed every second of these adventures though! I will write about this last trip was AMAZING!!!
I can't wait to hear it!
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