Part One
Each question worth 10 cents each for a total of 50 cents if you get them all.
True or False
1. Basic training is followed by a specialized or advanced training phase that provides recruits with a specific area of expertise or concentration. In the Army and Marines, this area is called a military occupational specialty (MOS); in the Navy it is known as a rate; and in the Air Force it is simply called an Air Force specialty.
2. Our E-3 makes a base pay of $1,501.20 every two weeks.
3. "Grade" is used for personnel and pay functions. Military personnel across the services receive the same base pay, based on their rank and number of family members. But as the "ranks" and “rates” are named differently in different services, to save confusion, "grade" is used.
4. The U.S. Coast Guard is a part of the Department of Transportation in peacetime and the Navy in times of war.
5. The early 1980s heralded a significant change in the way IGs did inspections. Traditionally, general inspections had focused primarily on evaluating a unit's compliance to regulations. However, purely compliance inspections tended to address symptoms rather than causes and made the assumption that policy guidance and directives were correct.
Who Am I? 20 cents each= $2.00 *$2.50=sub total
6. I was a system born during the Revolutionary War. I am
a. a Seaman / Hospitalman SN or HN are my abbreviations
b. De’on’s first tree
c. The U.S. Army Inspector General System.
d. De’on’s 2nd tree
7. I took the photos that were prize winning Pulitzer’s in 2006 of Katherine Cathey when her husband’s body was brought home to Denver, Colorado. My name is
a. Rick Loomis of LA Times
b. Todd Heisler of The Rocky Mountain News
c. Rockwell Kent of The New York Times
d. Greg Miller of the Daily and Redundant
8. I was in combat at Inchon, Seoul, Wonsan, Chosin Reservoir, and Hanghum before the fatal assault that killed me on a hill near Hwachon for which I was awarded the Medal of Honor. My name is Corporal
a. Charles Abrell
b. Franz Ferdinand
c. Mark Oliva
d. Stud Manly
9. My mission started when forces with Regimental Combat Team 1 moved to the outskirts of Fallujah. It came on the heels of the deaths and mutilations of four U.S. contractors in the city. Marines from 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment and 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment surrounded the tumultuous city, known for being a hive of enemy activity. My mission was dubbed
a. Operation Just Cause
b. Operation Vigilant Resolve
c. Operation Phantom Fury
d. Operation Iron Curtain
10. I am called a PFC in the Army. My rank is
a. O-3
b. E-3
c. E-2
d. none of the above
11. My missions include the construction of roads, airfields, structures and utilities for the Army and Air Force. I employ equipment and personnel skilled in earthmoving and construction. I normally fall under command of a brigade. I am a
a. Engineer Battalion (Combat Heavy)
b. Platoon Leader of 30+ soldiers with such diverse skills as carpenter, mason, plumber, electrician and heavy equipment operator.
c. Dive detachment attached to 536th Engineer Bn. (C) (H)
d. Platoon Leader with the Navy Seabees
12. I got a pay raise in January 2006. I make a monthly base pay now of $1,501.20. I am a
a. PFC in the Army
b. Lance Corporal in the Marines
c. PFC in the Marines
d. both a and b
13. The figures below represent figures taken from
a. The Korean War Memorial
b. The Vietnam War Memorial
c. Fallen Heroes Memorial
d. none of the above
- AS OF MARCH 31, 1997 –
Since 1997 78 names have been added to the memorial as a whole that are not shown in the stats below. They are in order of: RANK/PAY GRADE USA USN USAF USMC USCG and TOTAL respectively.
E-09 52 4 41 18 0 115
E-08 190 13 34 33 0 270
E-07 987 67 64 115 1 1,234
E-06 2,233 186 136 299 1 2,855
E-05 5,133 326 228 723 1 6,411
E-04 11,528 618 247 2,322 0 14,715
E-03 12,822 645 148 4,379 1 17,995
E-02 476 68 9 5,633 0 6,186
E-01 143 3 0 379 0 525
14. I relieved McArthur of his command and posthumously awarded Corporal Charles Abrell the Medal of Honor. My name is
a. Harry S. Truman
b. President Dwight D. Eisenhower
c. General George S. Patton
d. George C. Scott
15. I was the standard medium field howitzer for the U.S. in World War II, seeing action in both European and Pacific theatres. I entered the war against the Japanese Imperial Army in the Pacific, where I gained a reputation for my accuracy and powerful punch. I entered production in
a. 1936
b. 1940
c. 1951
d. 1941
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