Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tomorrowland 4

I check my e-mail in one of our offices. It’s great to be able to receive news from home, and it’s also nice to shop online. (I can order books or DVDs or clothing, and they get here in a few weeks.) Some soldiers even use the network to make calls over the Internet. It makes me think of the words in that U2 song—“far away, so close.” This poses some difficulties for the military, which must balance between offering a system that’s good for morale and controlling the information that’s vital to operations. And there’s little doubt that our enemies are technologically advanced: They’ll publish videos of IED and sniper attacks on their Web pages, and sometimes the footage is synchronized with Arabic music urging you to join the jihad. In today’s world, not only do we have to be competent at shooting wars, we also have to learn to fight the information war.

Captain Jonathan Moss, of Paris, has been chronicling his tour in Iraq for Texas Monthly since August 2005. To read his previous installments, go to texasmonthly.com/authors/jonathanmoss.php.
Texas Monthly March 2006

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