Friday, June 22, 2007

Trip #2 to Hollywood!

So I went up to Hollywood again yesterday to see another live taping of So You Think You Can Dance? First let me say, being in the audience for a live taping really changes your perspective on the show. We were fortunate enough to be able to see the entire show this time, not just the group dance. Seeing what goes on in between commercial breaks and all of the technical stuff that goes into a taping is something else. I have a profound respect for all of the hardwork that goes into these tv shows that I have watched many many times. It's like clock work, everyone has there particluar job and they all do it fast! It was amazing to watch...almost as amazing as the dancers, but not quite!!! The dancers are incredible and so real!

We arrived in Hollywood around 8:30am and we met up with Marian and Abbie, my friend Marla's sister and niece who keep hooking us up with tickets. This time we were placed differently and we were all spread out on the floor. Me and one other girl were right at the front of the stage, which was a perfect place to be for the group dance because there was a lot going on in the front! We had two other groups on different sides of the stage. Me and my friend who were in the front befriended a group a high school graduate girls who were having their last horah before they all go off to college today and next week. They were definitely "young," but so much fun! I did not learn any of their names, but I can tell you where they are all going to college! Anyway...the group dance was another hip-hop routine choreographed by Shane Sparks who is incredible at what he does. I loved every thing about the dance! Watching the girls up close, being at the front of the stage, I have gained another favorite girl and fell in love with the one I already chose as my #1 girl! I have loved Lauren since I first saw her audition, she is beautiful and talented and she has such a fun loving personality. She will remain my top choice for the girls. The girl I added to my list is Lacey. She is the sister of last year's winner Benji and she is a great dancer. She is cute and she is so free and fun! As for the guys, I love Neil. When I first saw him dance with Lauren, I knew he would be one of my favorites. Neil and Lauren are my favorite couple for sure! I still love Pascha and Hok as well! Hok is incredible and he is so personable. The group of girls we befriended were in love with Hok and they weren't shy about letting him know that. They would yell "I love you Hok" in between takes and he would look over and smile or wink at them. He knows how to work the crowd for sure!!!

After the taping of the group dance, we had a few hours to burn so we returned to "The Grove" and ate lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. We walked around for a few mintues, but we had to hurry back to the studio so we could get in line for the afternoon taping. There were a lot more people at the afternoon taping then in the morning. Once we got through the CBS gate, we had to go through the metal detectors again and then we were placed in lines until the doors opened. If you have watched the show before, then you have noticed the huge crowd of people who just stand around the stage and in the balconies, but then there are seats where the families and the choreographers sit. They also have a limited number of "golden tickets" to be in the seats that are given out to those who are pregnant or disabled, etc. Well I have bad knees and they were already acting up just standing in line after all of the standing we did in the morning and all of the walking to and from the studio. I was able to get a ticket so I could sit for the afternoon taping. At first, my seat was horrible! Part of the set was blocking my view so I couldn't even see the stage. They did the taping of Daddy Yankee's performance and then there was an hour break where an MC got up and entertained us. They did a "dating game" contest and a dance off, all of which I could not see one bit! It was horrible! But before the live taping of the show started up, we were able to move over and fill in the seats behind the choreographers. I was siiting up in the second to last row, but I could see everything and it was so much better then my first seat! I met this older couple who actually live about 20 minuntes away from me! They were really nice and we chatted a lot while sitting and waiting.

Now on to the show...I was surprised that Jessi and Pascha were in the bottom 3 because I thought they did a great job. Shauna and Jimmy did a pretty good job too so I was sad to see them in the bottom as well. Faina and Cedric did a mediocre performance so them being in the bottom was a good call. I think everyone did such a great job though, that any other 2 couples in the bottom with Faina and Cedric was going to be a disappointment. I was happy with the final decision to send Faina home because I just did not like her from the beginning, but I was sad to see Jimmy sent home. He was sooo good and so dedicated to everything he was asked to do. Now I love Cedric's personal style of dance, he is entertaining to watch and so talented, but I just don't see him going that far in the competition because like Nigel said, he has a hard time picking up choreography that is not of his own style. But his personality is great and he is humble, which draws me to him, not to mention he is super cute! But I am exstatic that Lauren and Lacey are still in the competition and I have a feeling they will be going far! Neil and Hok are my top two guys followed by Pascha and I know they will do well too!

My Favorite Girls:

My Favorite Guys:

My Favorite All Around Couple:
Lauren and Neil!!!

After seeing these dancers do their thing, I am thinking about signing up for a hip-hop dance class in the Fall. I just hope my knees will not fail me because I would love to learn some dance moves!!!

Keep watching the show and support your favorite dancers!!!


De'on Miller said...

Is Lauren the one that did the Vienna Waltz? If so, I love her. Now who is the 2nd one you like? I really like Pascha too, she is so good, and I'm glad for the girl they sent home, b/c she seemed to just grit her teeth at her partner. I felt she looked down on him, but like you, I think he's not going to stay long.

I like how the judges have that final call rather than the viewers!

Well, it sounds like you have had a great time. I'm really glad you got to experience something like this. And I'm glad for us too, b/c this has been a great read! Thanks, Chantal!

Chantal said...

Lauren and Neil were the first couple to dance on Wed night. She has dark brown hair and he is the only blonde guy. They performed a hip-hop routine and she wore a tu-tu. They are the best!!!

Lacey is my #2 girl, she danced the broadway number to a song from Chicago. In the group number she was the girl on the right for the ballerina scene and moved to the front of the girls section when the girls did their dance.

The girl who did the vienesse waltz is Anya. She is pretty good too and her partner is Danny.

I am so glad the judges have the final call. I wish it was that way for American Idol as well because sometimes really good people get let go and the not so good ones get to stay. It was like that with Sanjaya...he should have been booted off long before he actually was.

I had so much fun. I would go every week if it didn't cost so much in gas to go all the way up there. It was an amzing experience and I hope I get to go again before it's over.

De'on Miller said...

I'll get to know their names. It took me a while with American Idol too. And I really think it's a great show. And I hope you get to go again soon!