Thursday, June 14, 2007

Virgie Bell's View: Bills without Bills

The immigration bill continues to be on the front page as news. President Bush has added an amendment that calls for some actual funding for border security. It calls to attention just one of the ways that we are duped by our leaders into listening to them giving us an update on all the ways they intend to make USA citizens safer, healthier, wealthier, and oh, so much wiser. What is the point of passing a bill if said bill is not funded? I can make a really good list to take to the grocery store, but it is a pretty safe bet that if I leave off the money for my groceries, it’s useless. Same with our government. But hey, they figure what the heck, brag about it. Huddle together in front of a camera and take a turn proclaiming what a wise and worthy accomplishment has just been completed. If the money is not behind the project, the project is DOA. What is truly the most astounding about the immigration bill is the fact that we the people have been expressing our outrage over passing said bill to begin with.

We had assumed that things would tighten up on the border and thereby make our country safer. Heck, I was ready, but it was just another exercise in futility. How can you have a safer border if all you do is pass a bill that has absolutely no money behind it? What were we arguing about to start with? It was just like the bridge in Alaska that assures the traveler a better and easier way to get to nowhere, and get nowhere faster. What a deal.

Something else. As far as investigations into unlawful behavior within the brilliant body of our nation’s lawmakers, can anyone tell me why Sandy Berger got less than a slap on the wrist for stealing secret documents? For treason? Then maybe this same someone could explain to me why the former President Clinton is being paid big bucks to compile a list of households that are ripe for fleecing. The sick, the old and helpless are the people on that list and his job is to furnish the wolves with the key to the hen house. Is anyone even listening to this stuff? Can anyone tell me why we have the likes of Harry Reid stands before us representing this new and more open Congress, this more moral Congress? Dennis Miller describes him as having all the sparkle of a gummed up caulking gun. Is that the absolute best we can do? If so, no wonder we salivate over the Paris Hilton and Anna Nicole stories.

According to the newest news President Bush is trying to get some funding for the security fence on our borders. In other words, we have been fighting over absolutely nothing.

Those dirty Washington DC buzzards.


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