The immigration bill has been put back on the agenda and this time it comes equipped with 4.4 billion in funds in order to shore up our security at the border. It remains to be seen if the money will actually be appropriated to the bill or if it will just be something else promised on paper. No one in the general population gives much credit to the talk coming out of our nation’s capital. I am sure the immigration bill and greenhouse gas issue will be something that we will all regret by the time it is over. It means government growth is going to spiral up through the stratosphere. The movers and shakers are busy right now lining up with friends and relatives who will benefit. All anyone has to do is recite Greenhouse Gas and we (the ignorant public they surely believe us to be!) had better smile and pick up the tab.
We all know the truth. Here is the deal on all the pork you will see brought home to each district. A project in the works need only come up with the money for such, and then the federal government kicks in with matching funds. That means that I have contributed actual money for the famous bridge to nowhere. We are the money and we are going to have to dig deeper and work longer hours just to stay even. Bush is in the final limit of his term and this is how politics plays out. Bill Richardson was in Las Vegas, Nevada and has promised to use the funding for the War on Terror that is wasted on our troops, and use it to see that every child is guaranteed a college education—free. Doesn't mean a blame thing about what all is promised, but clearly the present powers that be see these lucrative deals coming that are just waiting for them to jump on. It was never money for the troops that bothered the Democratic Party. It was the cost of the war. It was not the bloodshed. It was never about the civil war in Iraq. I’ve never seen anything that is government run that didn't cave under corruption from within. If we didn't have a cap on time between votes every two years and every four years, we could not last. Our democracy would crumble.
If I didn't believe in God and His ultimate control over all things that involve our civilization, I would just about give up. If I really had to depend on our representation to fix anything, I would be up salt creek without a paddle. If the Bible is correct, and I believe it is, then we are viewing something pretty historic in the Middle East. Bible prophecy tells us that Israel will be encompassed round about and when we see this, we know the end is near. The Jewish race finally reoccupied Israel after more than 2000 years. This fulfills the prophecy they believed in. They believe it is the Divine Will that this has happened. If it is indeed the fulfillment from God's promise, then it will be up to God to protect it or lay it low. So while all of this is going on, I am supposed to spend every dime I can come up with to protect our planet from us and pay the various lawmakers to see that we do. We have second hand smoke down so far. What about gas for a power mower? What about motorcycles? Now that I have cheered everyone up, guess it is time to …
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