Monday, June 18, 2007

Virgie Bell's View:Laryngitis

As I’ve stated in the past, Charles Krauthammer is one of my favorite columnists and he seems to hit the nail on the head on most issues. He certainly echoes my feelings on the immigration problem. Hopefully he has more information than the rest of us on the new bill that seems to be working its way though our nation’s Capitol, because I certainly can't find anything about it except in snippets and hearing sound bites. He reports that a fence on the border is planned for only one-fifth and vehicle barriers on no more than one-ninth. We the people, seem to have no say in this, regardless of the fact that 80% of the population is clamoring for border control above all else. Makes no difference if you are a Democrat or Republican, you have no voice in this just as I have no voice. Why this is the fact I cannot say or even what the fact is. We will not know until the dastardly deed is done, therefore it will be too late to do anything about it one way or another. Today I am pretty much anti-Bush as well as anti-Congress and anti-Senate. Virgie Bell has been voted down on all fronts. I have posted on this subject until I am blue in the face and other than our little band of readers, no one is paying attention. It makes me sick that it has come to this that the government that is supposed to be of the people, for the people, and by the people, does not exist.

I remember when Israel put up a fence in order to keep out suicide bombers from Palestine crossing over and what an outrage was thrown by the people in Palestine on the injustice of it all. It was erected in spite of the objection from the world over, and the problem of suicide bombers was reduced by 90%. Illegals are storming across our borders at an alarming rate. They are attacking our border patrols and we have to put up with the Government of Mexico’s objections if the agents even try to defend themselves. A double fence with a road between the fences for border patrol would be the logical choice, but then, have we ever noticed our leaders using logic? It is easy to see why the Democratic Party is for this, because illegals vote for the party that has the most to give away. I can't figure out for the life of me what is to be gained by the Republicans. The only thing about it is that it will create a block of voters and a crushing expense to our taxpayers. Reminds me of Venezuela.


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