Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wouldn't you just know it? The Billary's luck with loopholes is amazing!

Hillary Clinton Could Use Bill Clinton's Foreign Cash for 2008 Campaign
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
By Greg Simmons

WASHINGTON — It is against the law for a candidate for federal office to take political contributions from foreigners.

But a potential "loophole" could help at least one high-profile candidate in the 2008 presidential race: It is perfectly legal for a candidate for federal office to use personal income earned in foreign countries — or personal income earned by a spouse in foreign countries.

As Hillary Clinton marches at the front of the pack of Democratic presidential contenders, she occupies a unique position among the field of candidates from both parties.

The New York senator has access not only to her own wealth, but also to the bankroll of her wealthy husband, former President Bill Clinton, who has capitalized greatly on his résumé since leaving office in 2001 and whose income has been significantly enhanced through speeches made in foreign lands.

Financial records released Thursday showed that by the end of last year, Hillary and Bill Clinton had between $10 million and $50 million in jointly held accounts, and the former president had earned $41.7 million in speaking fees since leaving office — including $10.2 million in speaking fees last year alone.

Story continues here

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