Thursday, November 22, 2007

Baby, it's cold outside...

Time to grab one of these electric blankets (and what a great price!--I know you're not that easy!) Actually, I started using mine a couple of weeks ago. There was a time I could hardly stay cool enough and now I walk around in sweaters and blankets and NOW it's snowing here in Lovington. I love it.

There are a lot of great photos of our troops celebrating Thanksgiving on Take a minute and find some troop pictures to look at today. I love them. How awesome and I guarantee you that they are okay. Troops do not get where they're at by whining that "they're not at home." Of course, they'd rather be at home with their loved ones, but what is great about troops is that they love each other and are truly thankful for something.

When I was in the military I became quite accustomed to bowing my head in prayer before my meal in the chow hall--after all, many of the troops did and nothing was thought of it. We have awesome people defending us today and we also have awesome people who have defended us before and I am thankful for you all. You keep me warm. You are that blanket of safety that stands between me and those who'd do me harm in a heartbeat. I do love you for this. If I had it all to do over again--there's truly not one thing I'd change.

I had a strange thing in my e-mail today from an online support group in which several Gold Star family members have joined together. It's sad to see a new name come along, but truly, there is not much life left in this group. One of our members, one younger than me, has gone on to join her Lord and her soldier son, Christopher, who was killed in Iraq several months before Aaron. The woman who started the group lost her sailor son, Matt, when the Pentagon was crashed into on September 11, 2001. It is from this mother that the new message thread was started and it's in reference to deleting the group. I'm interested to see what happens, but mostly it concerns me for Matt's mother.

Thanksgiving. It doesn't come without sacrifice and bloodshed. With all my mother's heart, I wish there was another way. I know Mary must have wished that just as countless mothers have since her. I think about Mary a great deal and I think of these other mothers, probably daily, yet I, like so many others, fail to post to the group. Still, I so often think of you mothers and I wonder where "you're at." I wonder where I'm at compared to you, to Eternity, to where I was and where I'll be.

These thoughts are never far from me and many times I wonder how "unhealthy" that may be. But the truth of the matter, healthy or not, they are there and a part, possibly a selfish part, of the woman I am today. But as much as I may hurt at times, I have never wished that the child I had the pleasure of bearing, borning, and bearing not serve his country. I'm thankful he rated right up there with the greatest people I know, with the heroes, with you. SERVICE. Thank you for it my troops, and thank you to those who bore them and to those of you who support them. It is truly an awesome group to be a part of.

I'll be back with a few items today and get them up in between bites of turkey, dressing and cranberries, the Cowboys and then of course, the Colts. There are a couple of fantastic articles I wanted to share on this day and I will also get up Lisa's "Title It" picture and hope everyone can join us in that fun contest.

Semper Fi,
A Proud Gold Star Mom

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