Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Lisa's Christmas Jewell Bits: 7 Days Before Christmas

by Lisa Jewell

I just lost everything that I saved on Microsoft Word. I am famous for peeing in the wind as my supportive husband always tells me.

My fridge is still messy, I do have my mold sparkling in the bathroom, my left over cards put up. My money cards sent while the one I sent to my college nephew, sat here with us in my living room tonight. I could have hand delivered. Boy do I have the touch of that dollar short and a day late.

As you can tell, it is getting tighter, hang in there. Tip: start on the manicure and pedicure. Check out the new growth. Is it longer than the original hair? Has the toenail yellowed a bit? Do the cuticles rake the sheets at night while the lists go over and over in the brain while you count sheep? Let’s get busy.

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