Saturday, December 15, 2007

Virgie Bell's View: Outrage of the Aliens of the Illegal Sort

I cannot believe the outraged people in Roswell, NM. Outrage is one thing but demanding rights you don’t have are quite another! I’m speaking of the pregnant teenaged girl at school who was deported and others that probably should be are screaming for their rights.

If I went to school and committed a traffic violation while going to my classes, I would expect the officer in charge of watching out for my school to target me as a violator. In fact, if he did not, I would know immediately that he was not doing the job for which he is being paid, and paid by our tax dollars. He would expect me to carry my driver’s license. A driver’s license and insurance are mandatory or at least they should be. As far as dealing with me in a small town this officer could take me at my word that I have left them at home but will bring it the next day. If I did not, then it would be up to the officer in question to see that I had a clean record and the only way would be to start at the beginning of this legal procedure. In this case, with my status, that would have to be the immigration. Laws of the United States are kept by a paper trail. This is the law to protect the people of my country. It is my assurance that I am indeed surrounded by my fellow citizens. The most basic being part of a neighborhood watch committee. We cannot hope for our local law enforcement to be everywhere at all times.

For a democracy that is of the people, by the people, and for the people, there are the rules of a civilized society. These are the basic laws that wars are fought over and where the blood of my countrymen has been shed...above all things...these things. The foundation of any nation cannot hope to exist otherwise. It takes no rocket scientist to figure the way something like this works. Others are depending on you to do your part so this officer can take care of our most precious treasure, our American children.

We pay to see to our children’s safety at school. We tax payers expect this to be enforced. We do not want our children to sit in classrooms with those who do not belong here legally. It is not a hide out for a pregnant girl carrying a baby. In the Middle East, this is a favored deceptive way for a person to carry a bomb. At any rate, it is the law and I expect my country and its laws to be treated with respect. We have immigration laws in place and these laws are in existence because a certain number of people from other countries come here to become legal and law abiding citizens. They do not need to go through a certain processing while someone else takes it upon themselves to skip all laws and then demand the rights that someone else is entitled—and no racial or religious organization has the right to circumvent these laws. I was born and raised in this country.

80% of the American people said we wanted secure borders. We want secure schools and we fully and rightfully expect our officers to enforce these laws. The girl had no home address and no one that we could contact if she needed someone in case of an emergency; but first and foremost, she broke the laws of this country. Just go on back to wherever you came from and make your government do your bidding and don't try to tell us, the American public, what we should do until your tax dollar chips in. If you are green, yellow, black or the color purple, if you are white, red, or brown and proud. Just make sure you are legal with a respect for us and our laws.



De'on Miller said...

I'm with you on this one, Mom. I'm sick and tired of having the Mexican flag shoved in my face day in and day out and everyone just turns their head away. But let us go by the law that has been laid in place be held to and the state nearly explodes.

I have paid little attention to it but it does make me mad. I know they're hurt because she's pregnant but you can't tell me she would not have made the trip here to this country pregnant. And I'm sure she has family there just as she does here. They bring each other, do their best to escape their country and its rules and then act like we are the criminal. If your flag is that important to you and you think so highly of it as to wave it here, then when you get caught illegally escaping your precious country, don't tell ME I'm being unfair and unjust. I believe in human rights just as much as anyone could. I'm not cruel and am almost tender-hearted to a fault. That's why I have all these animals and have had other kids live with me. I can't say no, but this time I am.

If you hate us, go away. This is our playground. My son died and not for the flag you force me to look at daily.

I am one of the least bigoted people I know. Some of the people I hold dearest in my life are Hispanic, one of those being Jose Cruz, my son's gunner and with Aaron on the rooftop. Aaron's first baby sitter was Spanish. He teethed on her homemade tortillas made fresh daily, the others we took home with us. She called him Mijo.

Unlike a great many people, I don't care if you speak English. It makes it harder for me, but I look at that as a miss for me as much as for you. Also, it's my hit and you probably know my language better than I know yours. Cruz' mom does not speak English, and as far as I know, the family does not have citizenship, but the most handsome man that remains is Hispanic and he's here legally, and if he were not, I may do my best to protect him, but you better know I would not ever listen to anyone telling me it's my fault when you get caught.

I've got caught at a few things myself in my lifetime. Fortunately, I was on my playground when the "crimes in question" took place.

Whehh. There's a reason I try not to overload on the news!! :)

Anonymous said...

You go girl MOM