Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Remembering, for a Moment, these words of Integrity from Conservative Barry Goldwater

“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
---- Barry Goldwater ----
from Presidential Nomination acceptance speech
1964 Republican National Convention
San Francisco Cow Palace – July 16, 1964
We support the troops and their families, now and tomorrow
and forever --- as long as liberty has to be defended.


Flag Gazer said...

My first political rally was for Barry Goldwater - I will never forget it. He was an amazing man!

Unknown said...

Can't they make a clone of him? I mean they clone sheep and stuff, we could use another Goldwater.

Raymond Keen said...

I wish we (or they) could clone Goldwater. The Republican Party needs a Goldwater.

But we can access the stunning moral clarity and forthrightness of Barry Goldwater's conservative thinking by reading his seminal, "The Conscience of a Conservative."

Ray in Okinawa