Monday, December 17, 2007

Virgie Bell's View: Color Me Blue

Jessica Simpson - A Jaguar without a Motor
Twas a bummer yesterday. My team, The Dallas Cowboys, lost and then every time I looked they had to show Jessica Simpson in the stands. I don't need this kind of treatment. No-longer-lookers do not need to be reminded that they have gone over the hill, so to speak, with the likes of Jessica pushing them over faster. Some of us just know in our hearts we are still up and running, and then boom.... TV has a way of stuffing reality down your throat. So yes it was a bummer. I just wonder if Tony Romo knows that yes, Jessica Simpson is a Jaguar, but lacks a motor under the hood. I, of course, could use some body work on the Old Jag, but then the motor is still working and in mint condition. I had told Kayla (who is a Jaguar with a new motor) that I wanted her to go after this Romo Hunk and that she could live with us. I guess that is not in the cards though.

The Cowboys had one injury after another and it was one of those games that every thing just seemed off. If they knew just how much I have cheered them on before this game they would realize that they need the fans like me instead of us setting in the old rocker doing a slow burn. Oh well...... I had a friend that was the same way about some rock star and she was jealous of Cher and it took away from the true spirit of being a rabid fan. If we cannot have him in our family then I would hope he had the good judgment to pick someone like the other Bush twin or someone similar.

There has been much made of the letters from Princess to Darling Dodi this last week and it appears such that Jag had a motor that was in less than mint condition. I read the book by Kitty Kelly titled Royals about how under educated the royal family really was and Camilla proved this to be so very true. I guess this is just the way of the world. All the world is truly a stage and it is my duty to now be in charge of raising the curtain and the job sucks.

There’s not usually much going on when the Cowboys play as far as politics goes, or at least it is just background noise, but I did notice that Hillary’s deemed to do an appearance for Fox News. She did manage the old cackle again. If she does get the nomination for her party, one would hope she did not find many things humorous, or she can say sayonara to another stint in the White House. In a pinch, she could rely on old gushy-poo to teach her how not to bring that horrid and scary laugh onto the world stage. That is going to be very important or we are in very big trouble. I’ll be very glad when we do settle on the two candidates for our president, and then we can finally know who will be the running mate for each. Vice President is still a very important job as far as I am concerned. It will be more or less not very newsy from now until after Christmas as the candidates will finally get busy with something other than telling us how much they despise our troops as old John Murtha is wont to do. Oh yes, on a final note, The Reverend Al Sharpton has been found to have been doing some yucky deals with unsavory sorts and a little stealing from us taxpayers. Imus is back on the air now and this might give him a little ammo to return to the old Reverend. Hope your Sunday was better than mine. Blah, Jessica Simpson.


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