Sunday, December 16, 2007

Virgie Bell's View: Silent is the Season...except for Hill....

"Old Thunder Thighs," and Why She Has Them Hillary "Thunder Thighs" makes the Menu Special at KFC

It’s not surprising that Hillary is not doing well in New Hampshire and Iowa. They have had the privilege of her up close and personal and she can’t pass the test. Old thunder thighs could be accepted except for the Old Wicked Witch of the West Cackle, which is utterly chilling. You almost expect her to wring her hands and say, "And now my Little Pretty"....If Bubba can't pull it off for her, she can't do it. She actually has no real experience except as First Lady, and this of course puts a whole new meaning to... first... if you get my drift.

I asked my sister yesterday who was her choice. She is the only Democrat beloved by me and we had a hard time coming up with a good one. We decided we are for whoever is not so stupid that they call death by lethal injection cruel and unusual punishment. We are both getting on in years and wishing God would see fit to give us the old injection of falling asleep and just never waking up. We both agreed that John Cooey would have missed that little stick in the arm if he had messed with us. No, he would have been buried alive after a good old beating. Some of the stuff that passes for politics and rights are just too stupid for words.It is a good thing our parents have passed on at this time for they would have no doubt been in jail if someone told them how to raise us kids. Looking back at my family, I fail to see where they were wrong. Trust me; these parents knew how to maintain discipline, and they learned this from their parents.

I realize that I have been letting my fans down by not mentioning “Darling Britney.” The mother of the year has been named to star in NOW GET Mary in the movie or play titled Sweet Baby Jesus. I can think of a hundred who would have been a better choice, but this is a French production, and as we all know, everyone loves every moment of the year in Paris, and even Britney is loved by them. And of course, she will help the wine industry and the ever important bottom line. I’m getting ready for some eggnog. Not the kind with liquor in it. Just the store bought stuff will do. De'on and I don't do the hard stuff and we really don't like to see anyone else having a better time than we have.

As for the season of Christmas, I noticed yesterday we are still fighting over the Christmas displays in the bigger cities. I am so glad I was raised in an earlier time. No one even thought anything about wishing someone a Merry Christmas. Now you just as well call someone a SOB, which I find terribly, terribly sad. I saw the big sign outside the Junior College nearest us and it said, Bright Holidays. I feel that we have lost so much with all of this political correctness.

I took the test on AOL to see how I would do on the lyrics and felt I would ace that test at least. Well I got five and five. It seems that Silent Night and the Bethlehem songs do not even merit being listed. They are: Rocking ‘Round the Christmas Tree, Rudolph, and Santa. The real purpose has been left out. I sang all my life and was just a small child within a large choir in California when I learned the word to all of the old songs. I was right there when Bing Crosby sang White Christmas. I like all of the other Christmas songs but I cherish Silent Night and Little Town of Bethlehem. We had a full orchestra there too.... Of everything, I really miss the music of this season. It is the saddest time of the year to be hearing impaired.

It is the most wonderful time of the year to SUPPORT THE TROOPS!

1 comment:

De'on Miller said...

I am so glad you had a good visit with your sister!

And I miss your hearing too, but at least you can still hum and sing to yourself.

Your eyes are perfect and Aunt Linda's are failing, so think of the TEAMWORK poster!! LOL!! Just kidding.

After 50, it's Patch, patch, patch.

Love you.