Thursday, December 20, 2007

Virgie Bell's View: Skank!

The one columnist I simply cannot stand is just an absolute idiot. I had thought so before, but now she has proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Her name is Ellen Goodman. She is a staunch liberal and the only thing she hates more than God and country is the Republican Voter. People like her absolutely make my blood boil and it really burns me up that there are people as really stupid as she actually is, still is, and is still published in the newspaper. In her column today she makes fun...FUN...of the presidential candidates for the GOP. With a line up for those on the Democrat ticket, where does this broad get off? Get real. Sure, the Republicans suffered the blow of Tricky Dickey, but that was high crimes in high places. It is called being a politician and getting caught as the real you.

What about old What’s-his-name caught drunk on a boat with the blonde on his lap and a bongo drum between his knees? Gary Hart, that's it. Old Gary dares the press, dares and double dares them to follow him around and find just one personal flaw and WHAM.... Or what about old Bill Clinton and the naughty intern, the most popular subject for the century? Is ...or is not... Oral Sex...Sex? The Clinton form of Shakespeare. To be or not to be. Pure poetry that one. He led this nation with the ability of his dumbstick.

Ms. Goodman is really very serious, she takes herself seriously and spouts off accordingly in her column. She makes fun of the thrice married Giuliani who can't get past 9/11. The party she lauds is the one that embraces gay marriage, abortion on demand, and letting every illegal from everywhere have more rights than an American Citizen has. She looks down on a man who is not married to his high school sweetheart. Ms. Goodman is the prime example of the pot calling the kettle black. Before Anna Nicole Smith’s tragic death, she wrote a column for the inquiring mind and its rag sheet. She gave advice on successful living to those who wrote in and asked. She has the intelligence of a dust ball. We are the poor saps who need advice when the most scathing thing she can come up with is that we should get over 9/11. Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the opera? Can you believe that?



Raymond Keen said...

Ellen Goodman means well, Virgie Mom.

And that is the problem. She is so self-righteous in letting everyone know that she is for all the important liberal causes: abortion, helping all the many "victimized groups" with big government spending, never judging another culture (even murderous and undemocratic ones) because multi-culturalism is one of her liberal "gods," counseling our tolerance of the poor and victimized illegal aliens, etc., etc., etc.

The smug, liberal piety of Ellen Goodman has made me puke for about the last 20 years. At least it has helped keep my weight down.

What's it like up there on that pedestal made of putty, Saint Ellen?

Thanks, Virgie Mom


Just John said...

Like other rabid liberals, Goodman brings no intelligent points to the game, only emotionally based drivel that makes about as much sense as shooting one's self in the foot.