Sunday, June 17, 2007


The cookbook, U.S. Marine Cuisine, put together by Lubbock Marine Parents will have almost 200 recipes and will be a padded 3-ring loose-leaf binder. It's comparable to any cookbook found in an upscale retail store. It will also come with a bookstand that stores inside the binder when not in use and will hold the cookbook open and upright for hands free cooking. It’s at the publisher’s now, but should be available soon after the first of July. Lubbock Marine Parents will be charging $12.00 (+$6.00 s/h if you have to go that route).

Why not EARN & LEARN?

Take our test here on gUnZ uP. Highest scorer wins a free cookbook (I have Aaron’s favorite recipe in there!) Either way each test earns money that will be contributed to Lubbock Marine Parents for the care packages they send to our troops; so everybody wins. What could be better?

Review takes place on the blog until midnight on Sunday, June 17th. You can review each day, or click on the academia label and review all at once, or you can just show up on
June 18th for the copy of the test which is due NLT Sunday, June 24th. Come on! It’s open book. I just ask that you keep your eyes on your own paper!

So I’ll pay as you play. Test worth and details will be posted with the test! Meanwhile, go bake this cake I lifted from Lubbock!

The post below is one of the great recipes in U.S. Marine Cuisine!

This post will remain until test has been posted on June 18th.



Anonymous said...

Sorry, Teach, for my abscence for a few days but, Yippee!, another test! Looks like I have another great student to compete against (Hey Deborah!) I love a challenge and I really, really want this cook book! Let the studying begin!

Anonymous said...

My pencil is ready, ma'am, but I think I need more paper.

Veritas et Fidelis Semper

De'on Miller said...

Yes, missy! Where have you been? lol!

And yes,Deborah, you will need plenty of paper!

Fun! Thanks!

Semper Fi Mom said...

Thank you! They have our cover finished and it has been faxed to us. We are so excited! I don't think we will have it by the 4th of July :( but it shouldn't be more than a week or two after that.

Anonymous said...

No problem! We're all excited too! This will be great!