Saturday, June 23, 2007

Test 4 is up ... info here or scroll down....

Care packages for our troops.

Test 4 is posted in 4 posts and will NOT be held at the top. The test is self explanatory, but if you have any questions, please just ask in the comments section.

We all know who it’s for and we all know the prize, right? If not, please see post titled “TEST 4!!”

Test is due to me by email NLT 5:00 PM Sunday, June 24, 2007. Please use the email link provided in my profile. In the subject area type Test 4. Again, any suspicious emails will not be opened. I will reply that I have accepted your test. If you prefer, you can also answer in the comments section.

ANY PART OF THE TEST IS AN ACCEPTABLE SUBMISSION! And yes, my employees may enter too! Every question counts for something.

This post will remain at the top for a few days, so please SCROLL DOWN for current posts.

Thanks and good luck!
Semper Fi Mom = $13.04


Anonymous said...

Hoorah, SFM! I am still working on my test, but your score has me driven to exceed!

De'on Miller said...

I can already picture you with that cookbook in your kitchen while you whip up a few dishes for us!! he! he!

Semper Fi Mom said...

I'm just thankful it was an open book test! Otherwise I would have failed miserably. :)

De'on Miller said...

I would have flunked too, but instead, now I know it by heart. How cool is that? ;)