Thursday, February 7, 2008

Virgie Bell's View: Presence of Mind

This is a post sent to me at 2:00 PM yesterday. Tardiness is strictly busy editor's fault.

It was just a short sound bite on the news, but it seems dear old Ted Kennedy may have cost Obama some votes. It really comes as no surprise to most of us, and as far as being useful to Hillary, the Come Back Kid is falling by the wayside too.

The turn out for voters on Super Tuesday was remarkable with more turn out than has been shown for years. The voters are really and truly sick to death of the politicians and all of the promises that are made to us and yet never fulfilled. Obama and Clinton are still running neck and neck and I really hate that fact. I wanted Hillary to be the candidate for the simple reason I feel she is beatable at least much more so than Obama.

The thing about Obama is that although he has missed 168 senatorial meetings, the only time he has been led to show an up or down vote, he has used the word present. That is how he has gotten where he is today, with the remarkable achievements of showing up and rendering neither a yes or no vote, except when called upon to cut funding for the troops. He is very much against the War on Terror and wants to pull the troops out of the Middle East. Now I have a big issue with that kind of mindset. Everyone else can swoon over him as if he was the Second Coming, but not me. Fund our military or get off the platform campaigning for their Commander in Chief. You have no right to say either yea or nay as far as I am concerned. The carnage of that September day will forever be stamped on my brain and millions of others just like me. I will never forget and I will never forgive.

There is still much being said about the use of water boarding and I want to make myself clear on that little issue. It scares them. Well big BOO HOO. Scaring someone is now considered cruel and unusual punishment. I think of those three thousand souls caught up in the Twin Towers, I see those poor souls jumping from windows to their death instead of being consumed by fire. Scared the holy hell out of them is all I can say. Read the firsthand accounts of those who survived. How about the blind man coming down the stairway with his Seeing Eye dog? Think he wasn't scared? Think the obedient dog was not scared? Ever watch mans best friend when the fire crackers go off on the July 4th? Multiply that by three thousand. Given a choice, the victims of that horrible day would have begged for water boarding.

McCain is against torture but scaring is not torture. The feeling that you are drowning is scary and if it saves one American life, why do we even care? Perhaps we should just cut off heads as do the terrorists, and on camera. That scares me. The latest recruits for Bin Laden use children as young as 6 years old. They will be sent into the enemies’ camp (into us) as human bombs. It was a favorite trick of the Japanese during World War 2 to take babies and lay them out on the ground for our troops who were dug-in to listen to while they waited for the next attack, knowing these helpless babies were the innocent victims. I talked with an old War Horse Marine who was there and it was his worst nightmare. The thing about war is that it just has two outcomes. Win or lose. Oh, you can surrender in something called ‘peace with honor’ as did old tricky Dick, but really, if you are going to be in war, you need to win the darn thing, and if you are attacked as we were on 9/11 while we were giving Peace A Chance, you are in one before you even know it. Peaceniks make me sick, and really they always have. Our military gives their life’s blood so they can march and scream their heads off and do so unmolested.

I will also voice another complaint about illegal immigration. Once I saw flags from other countries as they demanded rights they are not entitled to they lost me. This is America; we have our own flag and long may it wave. Yesterday I read in the paper where some wise old soul said if we would take the money we will spend on the fence trying to seal the border and send it to Mexico, that the illegals will go flooding back home. Billions of dollars—and send it to old Mexico? We have our own goofy government to pay for. So yeah, I am for McCain. I want to win this war that was declared on us. Just like my parents wanted to win when we were bombed in Pearl Harbor. Yes, the war is costing us no telling how much money. Wars just do. It goes with the very essence of war. We did not start this war and I feel that John McCain has been battle-tested to have his place as the Commander-In-Chief. I love my country and I love my freedom to write this post, so excuse me if I don't get all weepy while someone feels they are drowning. After we lost Aaron, I felt that I was drowning many times, but it was tears. Just to write about it, makes me feel that same thing again. So no, I am not for Obama. I am Virgie Bell...PRESENT. How stupid to use taxpayer money and only vote present. Might as well stay home for all the good you do...present! How silly.


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