Sunday, June 17, 2007

Part 3 of Test 4--final

Part Three
True of False

And now we’re back to Iraq, Afghanistan, the War on Terror and current events. The price of war and testing has increased.

Each correct answer adds a $1.00 to this portion of the test. Make it count!

New subs, if you answer all of these correct will be $8.23 or $7.76

36. MotoMail is a service that is brought to you and endorsed by the Marine Corps which allows electronically transmitted letters to be printed in Iraq and delivered to the recipient often in as little as 48 hours. Transit time via US Mail is eliminated, allowing a much quicker delivery to our Marines in Iraq.

37. “Deadliest day yet for U.S. women serving in Iraq” was reported by on Saturday, June 25, 2005; Posted: 12:26 p.m. EDT. The report said that At least four Marines -- including three women -- were killed. Of the 13 Marines wounded, 11 were female.

38. In the latest Letter to Airmen, Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne discusses force increases.

Penny for your thoughts! $8.24 or $7.77

39. Major Walter Reed, born on September 13, 1851 and known as one of the world's outstanding physicians and medical research scientists would be filled with pride at all that is currently in the news concerning the hospital that carries his name.

!BORDER PATROL!: Like the politicians, I’m going to shave off some for myself. Due to the popularity of the immigration bill, take a 90% hit. Each question is now worth 10 cents. If all are correct, new subs = $8.66 or $8.09

40. Since the death of Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat, Hamas's political wing has entered and won many local elections in Gaza, Qalqilya, and Nablus. In January 2006, Hamas won a surprise victory in the Palestinian parliamentary elections, taking 76 of the 132 seats in the chamber, while the ruling Fatah party took 43. Fatah accepted defeat and currently works with the ruling party to bring about peace in the region and further the friendly relations both parties desire with the Jews.

41. The USS Kidd is the 50th ship in the Arleigh Burke class of guided-missile destroyers. Cmdr. Richard E. Thomas of Westwood, N.J., is the ship’s first commanding officer, commanding a crew of 276 officers and Sailors. The new destroyer honors Medal of Honor recipient Rear Adm. Isaac Campbell Smith Sr. who was killed on the bridge of his flagship USS Arizona on Dec. 7, 1941.

42. The USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) departed Norfolk June 15 on its first large-scale humanitarian assistance deployment to Central America, South America and the Caribbean, where it will provide medical care and combat training to an estimated 85,000 patients from communities with limited health care access.

43. Over 2000 personnel participated in the exercise Trident Fury, composed of five Canadian navy vessels, three Canadian Coast Guard vessels, three US navy vessels, and air assets including CF-18s and United States Air National Guard F-16 and F-15 fighter aircraft, KC-135 air to air refuelling aircraft, NATO Airborne Warning and Control Systems (AWACs) and others. The close coordination between the Canadian navy, air force and US assets during this exercise demonstrated the benefits of joint operations, and the importance of close cooperation with our allies as outlined recently in the Defence Policy Statement. (Notice that this one comes from Canada, so check it out and forgive their spelling!! LOL!!)

44. In May of this year, the Red Cross made an announcement that should anyone call our homes, announcing they are with the Red Cross and asking for verification on personal information such as your deployed husband’s social security number or date of birth, that it is essential for you to give out that information immediately.

45. It is estimated that one million illegals are within our borders. Politicians are acting swiftly to seal our borders and send everyone packing.


Choose ONE only to pad a little punch to the subs and up your donation by $5.00 bringing a final total for a 100% paper to $13.66 or $13.09.

1. Name the Marine from Lovington killed in Vietnam who was also a Lance Corporal.

2. Write three or more paragraphs explaining the fold in the flag that most impresses you.

3. Write three or more paragraphs about any E-3, here or in Heaven (and not Aaron) that you’d like to honor. I think it would be neat if you chose someone you’d never known before and try to get to know them a little or choose someone close to you that you could brag on a little. Writing about someone who was once an E-3 is perfectly acceptable.

Thank you for taking this test.

Semper Fi,

De'on aka The Teach


Semper Fi Mom said...

Oh my! Does everyone who passes get college credit??? I think you should write the next SAT. ;)

De'on Miller said...

!!!LOL!!! It won't be that hard once you start!

Hint: On long true/false don't get sleepy reading!!! Common sense and a little thought will get most of those.

Also use the 'search blog' feature after you type in a keyword!!

And think of all you will learn!! ha! ha!