Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Virgie Bell's View: The Color of Greenhou$e Ga$

They are off and running. We knew there would be unification with our illustreous lawmakers. I felt that it would be about greenhouse gas. I no longer had to trouble myself about the question did we nor did we not. No longer did I agonize as to where I could turn to get the truth from the horse’s mouth. Gushy Poo announced that she saw it first hand in Greenland. She is going to fix it. John Kerry announced that in the shadow of the nation’s capital (whatever that means) something had to be done. Get those checkbooks out because here comes the bill that is fixing to cost you the taxpayer out the wahzoo. Can you imagine how they are salivating as they rush around to get on the ground floor of this new booming business? Government can grow at an alarming rate. Committees formed and hearings held. What a new and exciting chapter in our history. My heart goes out to all of those who came before Al Gore got this money making truth going. The majority of this will be solved with a clean energy bill using corn. As everyone knows, corn is easy to grow. Plant it, pitch a goldfish between each row and then keep it alive with water. Better keep those pictures of the cracked earth from severe drought conditions. What if we come to the conclusion that water is exhausted and might not be available? If you get a new economy friendly car, better hold on to the old one that uses fossil fuel. A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush was never truer.


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