Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Virgie Bell's View: Generalizations

It is a sad fact of life that it has come to this. When you finally find that politics is a bunch of smoke and mirrors and that is all it is and no one, not even past heroes are immune from the blaze. I speak with a heavy heart that Colin Powell bit the dust for me.

The General was the top man during Desert Storm and Desert Shield. He is now giving Barack Obama advice and one would suppose it would be advice concerning things presidential. Powell worked under two GOP Presidents, Bush Sr. and our President. He said in an interview that he wanted Gitmo closed down now, this afternoon. Politics does indeed make for strange bed fellows and I sometimes think we, the voter, are in a constant stage of a one night stand. My guess is that he will run with Obama. I liked Colin Powell. I really did and am sad that he too can be crossed off my list.

This ticket would get the obvious vote, but thanks to the Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, it will garner no other. You could have pushed me over with a feather when Al Sharpton went to California to protest racism in the Paris Hilton Saga. The truth of the matter is that when I find myself on the same side as Al Sharpton, I jump to the other side immediately. He is a snake oil seller if ever there was one. He, who preached at age four years and was ordained into the ministry at age nine. If that was possible he would not be a race activist. No, he would just go ahead and grant world peace. Yet there he was on stage, running for President. My President? I think not.

De'on fell out over the crystal snatching with the Clintons. To me the parking tickets that it took $300.00 to pay off lost me. It is such a poor selection on the Democratic ticket. I have a personal stake in this because as you may have guessed, politics is my soap opera. Also, I think I may have to watch a Democrat President next election. There is one thing that looks as if that could change though, and that’s the fact that Congress is at a ten year low in ratings. Yet they haven't a clue. Clueless and running the country. Blink-Blink-Gush-Gush-Madam-Speaker is someone that if we lived in the same neighborhood, I wouldn't have a cup of coffee with. Sometimes it gets to that, when a voter has to vote against someone because they’re afraid for their country otherwise.

Colin Powell sat at that table and he told me and the entire world that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Showed me charts and graphs proving this. Scared the pants off me. To be honest, I look forward to the Coming of the Lord, but I want out of here before it happens. I do not want to come under the control of people who want to kill us. When you reach my age, you pretty much are grateful for the small things. A good bed and a roof over your head is sufficient. Your main business is trying to hold on to your faith, because eternity is a long long time. Pay no attention to anything that comes out of Colin Powell’s mouth. He lied to us and wants to lie again. When asked which candidate he was for, he replied the one most qualified for the job. Yeah, right!


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