Saturday, November 24, 2007

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving festivities and now join the rest of the world (late, I might add) in the beginning of the joyous Christmas season. I started shopping weeks ago and today, in the snow covered day, Greg and I will drag in our traditional live tree. How cool is that? We’ve had a fire going in the fireplace for the last couple of days. It’s great. I do love this time of year and everything hit just right. Greg is home and snow on the ground.

Our internet service was down for a good bit yesterday but we did manage to get quite a bit of shopping done still (on the internet). I gave Greg my list yesterday. It’s very lengthy, but I feel I’ve been especially good this year and having skipped the presents part last year, I am ready for a few gifties myself!

I plan on visiting my favorite blogs in the next couple of days. I’m anxious to see what’s going on in your world. I hope it’s all good and I apologize for my absence of late. I have missed the news I’d become accustomed to hearing.

I’m glad to be back. Our military makes me proud and Gunz Up makes me feel closer to it. There will be a lot of news and needed support in the future days as our elections draw near. It’s important to be a part of that.

Much thanks to all, and especially to those who wear our nation’s military uniforms.

Semper Fi


Gary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gary said...

Wishing you and your family happy holidays Ms. De'on. May the blessings of the season fall upon you and your household, leaving non untouched.


ps that was my comment deleted... I hate mispelling words, LOL!

De'on Miller said...

How wonderful to hear from you, Gawfer! Our holdidays have been wonderful. I'm so glad to hear from you and will be out in your neck of the woods later today. Bet it's warm there. Lots of snow here, which has been great!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a wonderful new look for Gunz! I love it!

De'on Miller said...

Yea, Karen! You're home and how was your trip? I know it was great. (Karen was at the Cowboys game with her brother, Rich and who else?

You and Ray both will have to tell us all about your trips! I think he's probably back by now too.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I got home Sat evening, and we had an awesome Thanksgiving at Rich's house. Mom and Dad rode with me Wed afternoon for the drive to Dallas. Johnny, Lanette, Travis and Hollie also drove in Wed night. Thurs morning we had breakfast and got ready to go to Texas Stadium. We wanted to get there early to check out all of the shops and to watch the Cowboys warm up. Dad, Rich, Michelle, Johnny, Travis and I made the drive to Arlington. Mom, Lanette and Hollie stayed at Rich's house to watch the game on TV and to get our dinner ready for that night. Walking into the Stadium to find our seats was an awesome experience, when it's your first time there. Our seats were perfect, we could see everything! We watched Romo warm up and be interviewed by reporters, we watched T.O. take laps around the field and the defense doing their stretches. Then right before the game started a group of players knelt in the endzone and prayed. It was a great game and I am definetly hooked and will go back again. When we arrived home, Lanette had our dinner all ready. Rich had ordered our dinner from Central Market, which was wonderful, and he had asked me to bring a few home cooked sides and pies. I made 2 texas cream pies, an apple cobbler, sweet potatoes with marshmellows (Johnny and Rich's favorite) and my green bean casserole. Being an OIC, Rich gave orders that all store bought pies went home with Mom and all home cooked stayed with him! Friday morning, Rich cooked breadfast for all of us and then that afternoon we all went to the Main Event and played video games, shuffle board and we bowled 2 games. We had a blast. The drive home was good, but we saw at least 5 wrecks on the interstate between Dallas and Abilene, one of them horrible. Traffic was stopped for a few miles while an Aero-Care helicopter blocked two lanes of traffic waiting on about 10 firemen to cut the people out of one of the vehicles in a 3 car accident. It was very spooky and we prayed for those people. Thank goodness we made it home safely.
I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was as joyful as our's was.

De'on Miller said...

That all sounds so great! I bet you and Gary start your own tradition after this. I'm so glad you got this opportunity. I bet Jack was thrilled!

The wrecks sound awful. I'm sorry for that.

Bet the babies were happy you were home (all 3 of them!! ;))