Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Elves

Whew! The Christmas tree came down yesterday and Greg started to work in the den last night. Outside of the customary trip to Hobbs and Home Depot for more flooring and paint, he worked on it all day Saturday. It’s going to be nice. We’re getting rid of our carpet and putting the same floor in the den as we did in the kitchen. Hen was terribly relieved to see that his hideous bed was staying. There’s only so much you can do sometimes….

I hope Christmas was good to everyone. It was really good to me.

I apologize for my lack of blogging. It has been a busy time for all of us I know, but things will begin to normalize soon. Yeah.

One of the things I got for Christmas is Life’s Platinum Edition of 70 years of photos, so I’ll have a few photos to share from that no doubt.

There were several messages from Aaron’s friends on his message board over the holidays. I always appreciate those and yesterday Greg and I went through some discs of Aaron’s last music that he’d recorded to take to Fallujah. We watched the DVD of his life in photos and music and burned the brass angel candle that Aaron always loved so much. Its four tiny brass angels float in a circular motion above and around four small candles and twinkles out a song close to that of the wind chime I love so much. Mom, my mom, your Virgie Bell, bought it when Aaron was three. We paid $1.00 for it and I noticed Vermont Country Store has them for $14.95 this Christmas season, but even at that, their charm is well worth it. I hung a candy cane on our Aaron Tree outside on Christmas night. My boy will always be a big part of our Christmas.

Is anyone out there making New Year’s resolutions? I haven’t thought of any yet. I’m just trying to catch up on the hints and tips Lisa bit us with. Guess I will have to do the New Year’s thing on the postman, etc., since I ran out of time with that too. I actually found a box two days ago that I’d totally spaced out. There are some hindrances to starting early when you’re semi-impaired with Senior Citizen moments.

Miss all of you for sure and will be out to visit soon I hope!

Much love and Semper Fi,

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customer service said...

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