Thursday, December 27, 2007

Virgie Bell's View: 'Save the World' and as our way of saying thanks, get a free lead toy from China!!

Ellen Goodman - Liberal Puppet on a Pedestal of Putrid Putty
I am very sorry about the assassination of Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan. She was very aware this could happen and still she went to the country where she was born in order to bring democracy and a separation of government and religion, which, as noted, does not fly in that part of the world. You know as much about this action as I, therefore, I will leave the subject until we all know who did this dastardly deed, killing another 20 people in the process.

Ellen Goodman has been at it again and as I wrote just a week or so ago, she has got to be the most ignorant and indeed most un-American woman on the top side of this earth. She is an avowed Atheist, which of course is her right, but I am really sick and tired of her spouting off and falling down worshiping Al Gore. As I have stated in the past, most of the stuff spouted off by Al Gore is trivial crap and not even remotely on target. He has never been noted as a scholar, a scientist, or expert in any field and yet he has this large following. He was and is nothing more than I am and that is someone who knows a little bit about a lot of things and not much about anything. The difference being, I am not a danger to anyone as far as my knowledge and beliefs are concerned.

There is not enough money in the entire world to make me want to be a political figure, or even a public figure. I treasure peace and quiet above all things. I do not in any way desire a platform about anything more than our little Blog. It is read by some of my family and many military supporters, those who stand by our troops through thick and thin. As noted before, I come from a military background and we are a very patriotic family. We have little use for those who put something ahead of our nation’s protection against terrorism and tyranny, one that generation after generation of sons and daughters have given life or limb for. All wars are fought against enemies both foreign and domestic. They have always been about terror and they shall always be. Simply put, terror is extreme fear, and we have all experienced it.

When I was a little girl in California I got a good and righteous mad-on about something or another and decided to run away from home. I had made it about a half a block when I heard this step, slide, step, slide behind me. It was the Mummy's Tombstone come to life and I set a world record getting back inside my house. It was of course my dear brothers who were doing the step, slide, step slide. This was at night fall but as I ran past my brothers to get back safely, I could have sworn that it was two mummies with white grave cloth bindings floating eerily behind them. It was just that real to me. Anyone who says they have never experienced fear is a liar or else has the intelligence of a door knob. Being a believer in God, and also believing the Holy Bible to be the word of God, I know that fear is sometimes for the good. Who among us has not had to experience that a fire burns? Talk about hot all you want to. Each of us has to discover the fact for ourselves. My mother said that when my younger brother was just little that he wanted a bite of her hot pepper sauce and put up a huge howl for a rare treat that was being kept from him. She explained over and over again. My grandmother told her to just go ahead and give him a taste...viola...he discovered what a hot pepper was. We all have to find our own level of understanding. Our own level of acceptance.

Ellen Goodman has found herself to be among those that are far smarter than the rest of us. She said in today’s column that she didn't know why anyone would be upset about lead in toys that are imported from China after Al Gore has tried to warn us with global warming and we continue to ignore him. Here is my answer to this puzzling dilemma she finds herself in. Because lead is 100% poison you dumb ass....


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